When you reduce stress by celebrating medium to large accomplishments, you change your emotions from the negative to the positive and you naturally feel great .
Accomplishing a medium or large goal or a task is extremely important. You should add lots of good feelings to your gratitude account.
One great way to increase the good feelings and make them last is to celebrate.
Planning a short celebration will extend the good feelings and increase the calm strength you want to develop.
You can celebrate in many ways. You can eat your favorite comfort foods, take a twenty minute tub bath like I do using my Zensage Spa Salts ©and then slather on lots of Zensage Spa lotion © all over my weary but relaxed body.
But when the special times arrive, the times when the goal was medium or large, I pull out the bubbly. Some people like a bit of champagne. I prefer sparkling wine or sparkling juices this fits my life style, pick a bubbly that fit your life style and celebrate.
Celebrate the goal achieved, a fear resolved or courage blossomed.
So, keep a bottle or two of some sort of bubbly in the cupboard all the time,this will give you the incentive to meet a special goal.
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