Feeling like a kid again- relieves tension and builds memories, this is not very hard to do.
Remember when you were a kid and you had those awesome pillow fights with your brothers, sisters or best friends!
Remember the laughter and joyful sounds everyone made!
Remember the exhausted feelings afterwards, tired from laughing, crying, and the physical effort of throwing those pillows around.
I vividly remember all the feathers that fell slowing about the room and the piles of feathers and blankets on the beds. While grandmother would have to teach us how to restuff the pillows with feathers, we totally enjoyed every minute.
You can have this fun again by having a fun filled pillow fight in bed with your significant other, or child. Do it in the content of love and good fun and be watchful that no one gets hurt.
The same release of tension and laughter will feel so good!
Perhaps you may not have to pick up any feathers but getting hugs and warm affection makes up for the old- fashioned comfy feelings.
Letting our inner child come out to play is great at any age.
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