Living life on purpose- eliminate one bad habit can make life a great deal better.
You can start to live your life on purpose by making a serious and diligent effort to eliminate one bad habit in your life.
I will share with you one that I am working on.
I have this very bad habit of finishing people’s sentences or comments. When they pause, I am impatient and try to finish their attempts to make a point or comment. I tended to rationalize my conduct by stating that as a writer I was always one or two thoughts ahead of some one. Alternatively, that I just had an intuition of what they were going to say.
No matter, people would be down right upset with me for interrupting them. I was not invited to parties anymore, among other things.
I have learned to stop interrupting and become much more patient with people. I started to really listen to what they were saying and hold my comments until later. My relationships have increased and so have my communication skills.
You must have at least one bad habit that you can eliminate that will change your life and the way you are persevered by others.
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