We tend to be capable of big, noticeable changes. These changes although sometimes difficult are well planned and thought out. Some examples are marriage or divorce, buying a home, changing jobs or careers to name s few. However, the extremely small seemingly unimportant changes in our lives go unnoticed and sometimes not even followed through.
We tend to be very attached to small things and these small things can hold us back from fully enjoying our biggest changes.
I suggest throwing away all your old socks and replacing them with brand new ones. This exercise has huge emotional implications. Socks for the most part are very personal items, a part of us most people seldom see. This is a very personal, almost intimate change.
You might laugh at this small change, but many of us refuse to let go of the old worn out ideas or things. You see, we spend over $30,000 to replace a car every four years or so but we hold onto a pair of $6.00 socks for seemingly twice as long! We even reuse them as golf club covers or car polishing cloths etc. Enough already!! Let go!!
Time to change and grow. Have courage and grow!
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