We live in an information age where knowledge is at our very fingertips. We have cordless phones, cell phones, computer phones, voice mail, text messaging and instant messaging.
We can be available to anyone and everyone 24/7/365. People have the freedom to contact us at their leisure, with that said; we have the freedom to MUTE people when WE want to!
For one complete weekend, turn off your answering machine on your home phone; turn off the ringer as well. Let all your cell phone calls go to voice mail and screen them of you think it necessary. Perhaps you have as ill family member that you need to be available for, there are exceptions to any suggestion.
Do not read or for that matter answer any e-mails.
The initial withdrawal from the habit of checking and responding to technology will be make you feel uncomfortable for a short time, but stick with it for the first few hours.
Experience the freedom of not having to get back in touch with anyone. During this time, do something that is self –nurturing.
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